Here’s Why the Path to Decentralized Marketplaces Won’t Be Linear

On March 3, 2022, NFT marketplace giant OpenSea initiated a large-scale ban and removal of accounts associated with an Iranian IP address in an attempt to comply with U.S. sanctions law. OpenSea had no choice but to obey the federal requirement, though many critiqued the platform for having communicated and executed the move poorly. Several…

Welcome to the Blockchain: Your Complete Guide to MetaMask’s Crypto Wallet

MetaMask is one of the most well-known names in the Web3 space. The crypto wallet, which surpassed 30 million active monthly users earlier this year, is often the first point of contact many people have with the NFT ecosystem, since for many it serves as a gateway to the Ethereum blockchain, where you can buy…

WTF Are POAPs? The Intriguing Power of Proof of Attendance Protocol

In the last few years, the Proof of Attendance Protocol, commonly referred to by the acronym POAP (pronounced “poh-ap” or “poe-app”), has grown in leaps and bounds alongside the NFT space. Once perceived as a simple platform used to issue commemorative NFTs to Web3 communities, in 2022 alone the protocol leveled up, completing a $10-million…

Securities and NFTs: A Legal Guide for Gamers and Game Developers

As you’ve likely experienced, games are expensive to build. Gaming companies have traditionally raised money from publishers, crowdfunding platforms (like Kickstarter, Indiegogo, or Gamefound), or by selling equity in the company to venture capitalists (VCs) and angel investors. But with crypto, there are now two additional ways to raise money: by selling game tokens and/or…

Beyond the Hype: Real-World NFT Use Cases That Would Benefit Society

Time to face the fundamentals: what are NFTs used for, in the first place? An abundance of high-value NFT sales has continued to dominate the space, despite the recent bear market, so it’s not too outlandish that many still associate NFTs with financial speculation. Lumping NFTs into this bracket seems like the most convenient way…

Regulations and SEC Investigations Might Actually Be Good for NFTs

It’s time for everyone to wake up from the dream of decentralized immunity to regulatory powers. While the fight against centralization and the advocation of anonymity has long characterized the NFT space, throughout 2022 the United States Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) has made it clear that crypto and NFT regulation is imminent. With the recent…